He explained that the first test under this scheme was the institutional page and then the Internet Banking, with which Bancamiga became the first Venezuelan bank to have its Internet Banking in the cloud with AWS, a case that has been "rightly catalogued as a success by Amazon's subsidiary", which included the recognition on its web page together with that of other international companies in the insurance, universities, banking, energy, construction and technology areas, among others.
Reducing costs, increasing agility and innovating faster makes a company more competitive. For Amazon Web Service (AWS), the redefinition of Bancamiga's technological infrastructure is a success story that has generated significant benefits and will allow it to consolidate its growth in the market.
Carmelo de Grazia, president of Bancamiga's board of directors, said that for the last two years he has been working with his team to optimize resources and concentrate efforts on "developing, implementing and deploying production initiatives. Eighty percent of the time was spent on logistics."
"AWS is the most adopted and comprehensive cloud company in the world, offering more than 200 end-to-end data center services globally. It sells technology services, with a pay-as-you-go mentality, which empowered the decision to take some of our platforms to the cloud, achieving significant speed in getting projects into production."
He explained that the first test under this scheme was the institutional page and then the Internet Banking, with which Bancamiga became the first Venezuelan bank to have its Internet Banking in the cloud with AWS, a case that has been "rightly catalogued as a success by Amazon's subsidiary", which included the recognition on its web page together with that of other international companies in the insurance, universities, banking, energy, construction and technology areas, among others.
The redefinition of the technological infrastructure, carried out by AWS and Siscotel as a strategic supplier, enhances what is done and generates important benefits in management indicators such as transactionality, movements or in economic savings that are approximately 30%. There is an average increase of 70% in customer interaction.
Carmelo de Grazia said that, in terms of security, cloud service providers such as AWS have PCI DSS and ISO 27000 certificates. Although no system is invulnerable they have worked hard to ensure the security of their customers.
"Being the first bank with its Internet Banking in the cloud will be a benchmark in the country. With AWS we will continue to promote our management and set the standard in Venezuela and Latin America, without losing the global business scheme. We are facing a range of opportunities to strengthen the brand.
Solo el 10% de las empresas aprovecha al máximo el potencial de la nube